2021: E.K. Levy, C.N. Terranova (eds.), D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson's Generative Influences in Art, Design, and Architecture: From Forces to Forms (New York and London:Bloomsbury Press, March 2021), ISBN 9781350191136
2021: Review of Heirloom Fruits of America: Selections from the Pomological Watercolor Selection, No author; intro by Daniel Kevles, Leonardo Reviews, Leonardo Journal 54:4, 467-469
2020: “Nature: New Contexts, New Art by Women,” Woman's Art Journal, fall/winter 2020, 41:2, 3-16.
2019: Book and exhibition review of Dimensionism: Click here to download PDF and click here to visit review on-line
2019: Review of A Capsule Aesthetic: Feminist Materialisms in New Media Art by Kate Mondloch, Woman’s Art Journal, Spring/Summer 2019, 40:1, 64-66.
2018: “Enraptured: Attention and Art,” Perception and Agency in Shared Spaces of Contemporary Art, C. Albu and D. Schuld (eds.), Abington, UK: Routledge Press, 171-184.
2016: “Bio-Art and Conditions for Emergence,” Bio-Art: a Critical Anthology of Texts, A. Kaniari (ed.), (Athens: Grigori Publishers).
2015: “Imaging the Norm,” Transdiscourse 2, J. Scott (ed.) (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH), 59-75.
2014: “Sleuthing the Mind,” Leonardo Journal, 47:5, 427-435.
2013: “Neuroscience and the Arts Today,” in PAJ, 35:3, 8-23; click to download PDF and click here to visit the PAJ home page
2013: “Contemporary Art and the Aesthetics of Natural Selection,” in B. Larson, S. Flach (eds.), Darwin and Theories of Aesthetics and Cultural History (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Press), 145-165.
2012: “Visual Culture and Evolution, an Online Symposium,” participant, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
2012: “An Artistic Exploration of Inattention Blindness,” in Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, 5; click to download PDF
2011: “Priorities, Constraints, and Attention,” in M. Shor, S. Bee (eds.), M/E/A/N/I/N/G: An Anthology of Artists' Writings, Theory, and Criticism, 25th ed; click for Amazon link
2011: “Art in an Academic Setting,” in S. Ball (ed.), The Eye, the Hand, the Mind: 100 Years of the College Art Association (New Brunswick, N.J., and London: Rutgers University Press); related 2021 video, ed
2011: “Defining Life: Artists Challenge Conventional Classifications,” in Context Providers: Conditions of Meaning in Media Arts, (Bristol: Intellect Ltd.), M. Lovejoy, C. Paul, V. Vesna, V. (eds.), 275-89.
2010: “Cultural Evolution,” editorial Leonardo Journal, 43: 5, 420.
2010: “Designing the Art of Attention,” in Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, 8: 1, 93-99.
2010: “Classifying Kubler” Art Journal, 68:4, 88-99.
2006: “Art Enters the Biotechnology Debate: Questions of Ethics,” in King and Levin, Ethics and the Visual Arts (NY: Allworth Press), 199-216.
2006: “The Evolution of Art in the Age of Biotechnology: Cyborgs Meet Chimeras,” in Can we Fall in Love With a Machine (Philadelphia: Wood Street Studios).
2005: “l'art et l'industrie biotechnologique,” in Art et Biotechnologies (Montreal: Presses de l'Université du Québec).
2004: E.K. Levy, D.E. Levy, M.E. Goldberg, “Art and the Human Brain: The Importance of Art on Roger Shepard's Studies of Mental Rotation,” Journal of the History of Neuroscience, 13:1, 79-90.
2003: “Complexity,” Leonardo Journal, 36:4, 259-267.
2003: “Initial Conditions to Final Results in the Complex Systems of Art and Science,” InterJournal.
2001: “Responses: Art and Biotechnology,” Art Journal, 60:1, 6-7.
1996: “Contemporary Art and the Genetic Code,”spring issue Art Journal (55:1), guest editor (with B. Sichel), texts by S. J. Gould, R. Hoffmann, R. Root-Bernstein, M. Kemp, and D. Nelkin; click for table of contents
1989: Guest editor, two issues on photography and science of The Center Quarterly (published by the Center for Photography at Woodstock, NY).